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MY STEP FORWARD: Accepting Rejection


MY STEP FORWARD: Accepting Rejection



Rejection hurts, any way we look at it. Sometimes we do not even realise that rejections damper our self-worth and can hold us back from living our life. If we take them personally, rejections can have far-reaching consequences, negatively impacting our relationships, work, next steps and more.

Can we come back from a rejection feeling stronger? Despite possibly painful experiences of hearing "no", getting rejected may actually benefit us. They can empower us to grow and become more resilient later in life.


1. Walk around the city and notice the people, atmosphere, energy, what is happening and what is around you.
2. Think of a request you know will have a negative answer (e.g. Can I borrow 100 EUR).
3. Choose a bystander or a passing by person and voice your request.
4. When hearing "no" - observe yourself. How does your body react? How do you feel? What is your first thought?
5. Now think of personal experience, when you heard a word "no" to a proposal or request that was important to you. What happened? How did the rejection affect you?
6. Reflect on rejections in your life. Why to they hurt? Can you learn from them?

For additional inspiration and "food for thoughts" we also invite you to check out the Jia Jiang video "What I learned from 100 days of rejection".

This is one out of 9 activities, created for the "Walk with challenges" workshop that took place during the "My step forward" training course, organised by Socialna akademija and its partners and co-funded by Erasmus+. The training course took part in Celje, Slovenija, between 7th and 14th of July 2022. Still, this activity is part of the learning playlist that can be used by anybody, anytime. So gather a group and take a walk ... with challenges... and ... make your FIRST STEP FORWARD!


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Accepting Rejection Get this badge

Recipient of this badge participated in practical exercise in "Accepting Rejection" by following 6 steps:

1. Walk around the city and notice the people, atmosphere, energy, what is happening and what is around you.
2. Think of a request you know will have a negative answer (e.g. Can I borrow 100 EUR).
3. Choose a bystander or a passing by person and voice your request.
4. When hearing "no" - observe yourself. How does your body react? How do you feel? What is your first thought?
5. Now think of personal experience, when you heard a word "no" to a proposal or request that was important to you. What happened? How did the rejection affect you?
6. Reflect on rejections in your life. Why to they hurt? Can you learn from them?
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: self-approved
Participate in activity.
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Reflect on your experience.
Personal development
Added to playlist (1)
Time to complete: 25 minutes


Socialna akademija

Used in playlists

Socialna akademija
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union