Learn how to cook one of the most typical dishes of the Valencian Country.
Delight your guests with this traditional dish.

Ingredients (For four people)
400 gr. or so of veal (tender veal)
150 gr. of chicken
1 kilo more or less of chicken (2 pieces of thigh and thigh)
2 white bones of veal (knee)
1 bone of pork backbone.
A piece of veal rib. Optional: a piece of pig's foot and white bacon.
400 grams of minced pork (4 balls).
500 grams of chickpeas (if they are frozen, put them in at the last minute with the potatoes).
4 carrots
One napicol
One parsnip
One white turnip
4 medium potatoes
4 kale leaves
4 cups of rice (coffee size) About a quarter of a cup
Handful of pine nuts
3 litres and a quarter litres of cold water (3 quart cups per person, bearing in mind that a lot of water will be consumed in a cooking process that will last 3 and a half hours).
Preparation of the Valencian "Puxero"
Fill the casserole with 3 litres and a quarter of water. Put it on the heat and first add the veal, chicken, bones and salt. Cook over a high heat for 20 to 25 minutes. De-foam and leave for another hour and a half over a low heat.
After this time, add the vegetables, except the chickpeas. Keep on a low heat for 15 minutes. Then add the chicken and the balls (if we see that the chicken and the balls do not fit well, remove the bones to make room). Increase the heat to high, for a few minutes and then keep it on a low heat for an hour and a quarter.
After 45 minutes from the time we have put the chicken and balls in, we add the peeled and whole potatoes, increasing the heat for 3 minutes so that it reaches boiling point again and keep it slow for half an hour more. In total, from the time we put in the chicken and balls and then the potatoes and chickpeas, it will be an hour and a quarter.
Turn off the heat and carefully pour the stock (tilting the casserole with the lid just open) into another smaller casserole (18 in diameter by 11 high) and strain it. If there are 4 portions, fill the casserole with about 2 litres of stock and reserve the surplus (if there is a little left over, save it for consommé) and bring it to the boil on a smaller burner (6 cm).