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Mental health: are you challenged?

Mental health: Are you challenged?

The owner of this badge

  • got to know strategies for a better well being
  • reflected on these strategies
  • chose one strategy which wasn't implemented in daily life before to use it for improving their mental health

This badge is part of the "Mental health: Challenge yourself" playlist which belongs to the "Challenge accepted - Europe" project from IJAB and GOEUROPE!/EJBM. This badge is confirmed by international youth workers.

Om deze badge te behalen dien je alle taken te voltooien
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Looking at the 9 + 1 tips for your mental well being: which ones are you doing already? Was it easy for your to implement them in your life? Why are you doing these specific things?

Leave your answer in the text field or upload a picture from doing these things.
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Taak nr.2
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Choose one strategy of the nine or think about one yourself which you would like to implement in your life to improve your mental health. Which one do you choose? How often will you do it? Make a plan!

Write this plan in the text field and explain why you chose this strategy.
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Mental health: are you challenged?
Mental health: Challenge yourself!
Badgecraft host dit platform en ontwikkelt het samen met toonaangevende educatieve organisaties. Het programma Erasmus+ van de Europese Unie heeft cofinanciering verleend voor de bouw van de eerste versie van dit platform. Neem contact op met support@badgecraft.eu.
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Mede gefinancierd door het Erasmus+ programma van de Europese Unie