Establishing trusting and collaborative relationships with young people

Establishing trusting and collaborative relationships with young people

You are able to establish trustful and cooperative connections with young individuals: taking into consideration cultural disparities, understanding diverse values, adapting to others, and communicating with various religious beliefs. Promoting gender equality, upholding human rights, addressing LGBT and countering hate speech. Extending support to disadvantaged young people by creating specialized access opportunities and incorporating outreach elements for those with limited access into their activities.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Open the link 8 steps to inclusive youth work: https://www.youth.ie/8-steps-to-inclusive-youth-work/

Find good practice indicators in every chapter and make an assessment of your work in your organization.
  • Where do you feel you are up to those standards?
  • Where do you feel you and your organization have the biggest room for improvement?

You are invited to read the whole publication and reflect on it.

Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


Establishing trusting and collaborative relationships with young people
You(th)App training for youth workers
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