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Training of Trainers on Digital competences

Microbit Code Starter

Badge earner had taken time to discover and use Microbit which is a pocket-sized computer that transforms learning and how we make sense of the world and computing technology.

To earn this badge, trainer:
  • Used Microbit kit and started coding a simple and fun project.
  • Reflected on their experience and impact and shared how can they use Microbit in training and learning activities, including potential risks and challenges.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.
Learning duration: 45 mins.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Use the Microbit kit to explore and learn its opportunities for training and learning. Share your reflection on the following questions:
  1. What was your experience of using Microbit? What did you do and accomplish?
  2. What impact did it have on you?
  3. How can you use Microbit in your training and learning activities?
  4. What are the potential risks and challenges of using this technology?
If you have, include images or video from your Microbit coding activities and results.
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#Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools
#Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking
#Enables participants to be creative and think out of the box
#Facilitates problem solving
#Dares to improvise and experiment and to acknowledge the importance of this


Training of Trainers on Digital competences
Microbit kits to start coding
Learning with and about digital technologies
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