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Online training on intersectional discrimination in youth work

Online training on intersectional discrimination

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The online training on intersectional discrimination in youth work includes 5 strands that address:
- Stereotypes, Power and Discrimination,
- Gender equality and Gender-based discrimination,
- Racism and ethnic discrimination,
- Intersectional discrimination; and
- Addressing intersectional discrimination in youth work.

The main purpose of the training is to learn about the importance and ways of addressing intersectional discrimination and intersectional justice in youth work and to acquire skills to create a safe environment for young people.

In addition, the training aims to introduce terms and concepts:
- stereotypes and prejudices and the types of discrimination based on them,
- gender equality, sexism and homophobia,
- "race" and racism, and ethnicity and ethnic discrimination,
- intersectionality.

The content of the training is based on a study of the field of intersectional discrimination, with a focus on the intersectionality of gender, race and ethnicity, on a review of the knowledge of the field among young people and youth workers in 3 countries (Slovenia, Italy, Romania), and on materials and tools in the field of intersectional, multiple discrimination. As intersectional discrimination is poorly recognised and addressed, youth workers face challenges in their work on how to act intersectionally and integrate this prism in all areas of their work. Intersectional discrimination refers to situations where an individual or group faces multiple forms of discrimination at the same time.

The content of the online training "Intersectional Discrimination in Youth Work" was developed by the Forum for Equal Development in cooperation with project partners Global Institute, Nosotras Onlus and Asociatia Pro Democratia within the Erasmus+ project. More about the project on the website At the intersection of inequalities/discriminations.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the National Agency can be held responsible for them.
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#Encouraging young people to reflect and exchange ideas regarding issues such as solidarity, social justice, promoting/protecting human rights, discrimination, dignity and equality
#advocate for human rights
#advocate equality of opportunity in organisations
#advocate social relationships
#Adopts appropriate behaviour that respects ethical boundaries within a given group of learners
#arrange youth activities
#Avoids using methods which implicitly reinforce stereotypes and discrimination
#develop youth programmes
#Applying non-formal learning principles in programme design with emphasis on youth-centeredness, transparency, democratic values, participation, empowerment, and social transformation
#arrange youth programmes
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