
Arhitektura mehkobe V | Delavnica sodobnega plesa

Saturday, February 19, 2022 10:00 - 12:00
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Kardeljeva ploščad 28a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Arhitektura mehkobe V | Delavnica sodobnega plesa

Saturday, February 19, 2022 10:00 - 12:00
Kardeljeva ploščad 28a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


vodiva | Tina Benko & Ema Križič

Arhitektura mehkobe je zmes telesno-plesnih interesov, ki se stekajo v redno plesno prakso Divjih ptic. Na delavnici se bomo skozi plesni klas posvetili obujanju mehkega, gibkega telesa, ki zlahka spreminja svojo orientacijo v prostoru in prehaja skozenj. Raziskovali bomo načela učinkovite rabe in prenosa kinetične energije v gibanju ter s tem razvijali prilagodljivo, odzivno telo. S pozornostjo na notranjo arhitekturo telesa bomo ustvarjali senzorično podlago in jo kasneje prenesli v kontekst širšega prostora, ki postane sferičen, spodaj in zgoraj pa zamenljiva, ter na ta način vstopali v kompleksnejše gibalne elemente ter dinamičen plesni material.

anatomija gibanja | ples | 3D orientacija telesa v prostoru | dinamično gibanje | učenje skozi telo

Delavnica je namenjena vsem, ki si želijo plesati, jih zanima poglobljeno raziskovanje gibanja, fizični pristop, stik s telesom in izboljšanje ravni zavedanja le tega, ter razširjanje repertoarja v lastnem gibalnem izrazu. Prilagojena bo začetnemu nivoju, zato predznanje ni potrebno.

CENA | 20 / 15* eur
*za študente

INFO & PRIJAVE | institut.plesingib@gmail.com
V primeru, da ti finančno stanje ne dopušča udeležbe, pa si je vseeno želiš, nama napiši in bomo našli rešitev.

Architecture of Softness IV | Contemporary Dance Workshop

facilitated by | Tina Benko & Ema Križič

The Architecture of Softness is a compound of different somatic and dance interests that weave together in the dance practice of Wild Birds collective. In the workshop we will focus on reclaiming a soft, movable body that effortlessly traverses through space and morphs its orientation in it. We will be looking at principles of efficient use and transmission of kinetic energy in motion and training an adaptable, responsive body. Through focusing on a sensorial experience and tuning into our internal architecture we will establish a sensorial base, from which we are going to transfer acquired movement qualities into the context of external space, which becomes spherical, up and down interchangeable. In this way we are going to enter into more complex movement patterns and dynamic dance material.

contemporary dance | anatomy of movement | 3D orientation in space | dynamic movement | learning through the body

The workshop is aimed at everybody who wants to dance, is interested in focused movement explorations, in anatomy approach to movement, in deepening the awareness of one’s body and connection with it, in expanding one’s own movement vocabulary. Beginners level, no previous experience required.

workshop | 20 / 15* eur
*student price

INFO & REGISTRATION | institut.plesingib@gmail.com
In case you would like to attend, but your financial situation does not allow it, please talk to us and we will find a solution.

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Arhitektura mehkobe V | Delavnica sodobnega plesa Erhalte diesen Badge

Prejemnik te značke se je udeležil ene delavnice sodobnega plesa Arhitektura mehkobe. Na delavnici smo se skozi plesni klas posvetili obujanju mehkega, gibkega telesa, ki zlahka spreminja svojo orientacijo v prostoru in prehaja skozenj. Raziskovali smo načela učinkovite rabe in prenosa kinetične energije v gibanju ter s tem razvijali prilagodljivo, odzivno telo. S pozornostjo na notranjo arhitekturo telesa smo ustvarjali senzorično podlago in jo kasneje prenesli v kontekst širšega prostora, ki postane sferičen, spodaj in zgoraj pa zamenljiva, ter na ta način vstopali v kompleksnejše gibalne elemente ter dinamičen plesni material.

The earner of this badge has participated in one of the Architecture of Softness contemporary dance workshops. In the workshop we have been focusing on reclaiming a soft, movable body that effortlessly traverses through space and morphs its orientation in it. We have been looking at principles of efficient use and transmission of kinetic energy in motion and training an adaptable, responsive body. Through focusing on a sensorial experience and tuning into our internal architecture we have established a sensorial base from which we have transferred acquired movement qualities into the context of external space, which becomes spherical, up and down interchangeable. In this way we have been entering into more complex movement patterns and dynamic dance material.
Du musst 1 Aufgabe beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Sodeluj v aktivnosti - javi, da si se delavnice udeležil/a.
Participate in activity - let us verify you were here.
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Prosimo pošlji kratek feedback o delavnici - tvojo izkušnjo, misli, vtise, morebitne uvide in/ali težave, predloge/želje za prihodnje delavnice. Veseli bova tvojih povratnih informacij!
Please send a short feedback about the workshop - your overall experience, thoughts, impressions, potential insights and/or difficulties, propositions/wishes for the future. We're glad to hear from you!


Kardeljeva ploščad 28a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


#Tanzunterricht geben
#movement methods
#Tanzbewegungen ausführen
#Tänzer zur Verbesserung anregen
#Begeisterung für das Tanzen entfachen
#räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen haben
#Körperbewegungen harmonisieren
#Bewegungserlebnisse anleiten
#fortdauernd am Tanztraining teilnehmen
#Anatomie des Menschen
#Leichen transportieren
Kunst und Kultur
Zur Playlist hinzugefügt (1)
Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 2 Stunden

Ausführende Organisation

Divje ptice | Wild Birds

In Playlisten verwendet

Arhitektura mehkobe | Serija delavnic sodobnega plesa
Divje ptice | Wild Birds
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Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union