
You(th)App training for youth workers


You(th)App training for youth workers



This online module of the You(th)App training for youth workers will cover 8 topics that were found most important in our reasearch of the state of the art of youth work in Slovenia, Croatia and Romania.

The online module is open to youth workers from all over Europe and we hope it will be usefull for you.

Each of the 8 topics has a description, some usefull resources and several tasks that participants need to complete in order to receive a learning badge. The online module is fully self-paced so you can organise your own learning process according to your needs.

Spletni modul usposabljanja You(th)App za mladinske delavce zajema 8 tem, ki so se v naši raziskavi stanja na področju mladinskega dela v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem in v Romuniji izkazale za najpomembnejše.
Spletni modul je namenjen mladinskim delavcem iz vse Evrope in upamo, da vam bo koristil.
Vsaka od osmih tem ima opis, nekaj uporabnih virov in več nalog, ki jih morajo udeleženci opraviti, da prejmejo učno značko. Vljudno vas prosimo, da vaše odgovore zapišete v angleškem jeziku, saj bomo tako lažje odobrili učno značko ali vas pozvali k dopolnitvi.
Ovaj online modul You(th)App treninga za osobe koje rade s mladima pokriti će 8 tema koje smo našlinajvažnijima temeljem našeg istraživanja provedenog o stanju rada s mladima (Youth work) u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i Rumunjskoj.
Online modul je otvoren za sve osobe koje rade s maldima iz cijele Europe i nadamo se da će vam biti od koristi.
Svaka od 8 tema sadržiopis, pojedine korisne resurse i nekolicinu zadataka koje sudionici trebaju ispuniti kako bi dobili bedž za učenje.
Online modul je u potpunosti otvoren za prilagodbui vlastitom tempu , stoga možete organizirati vlastiti proces učenja prema vlastitim potrebama.
Molimo vas da svoje odgovore zapišete na engleskom jeziku jer ćemo vam tako lakše dodijeliti bedž ili zamolili nadopunu.
Modulul de formare online You(th)App dedicat lucrătorilor de tineret acoperă 8 subiecte care au fost identificate ca fiind cele mai importante în cercetarea noastră privind starea activității de tineret în Slovenia, Croația și România.
Modulul online este destinat lucrătorilor de tineret din întreaga Europă și sperăm că îl veți găsi util.
Fiecare dintre cele opt subiecte are o descriere, câteva resurse utile și o serie de sarcini de îndeplinit pentru a primi o insignă de învățare. Vă rugăm să vă scrieți răspunsurile în limba engleză, deoarece astfel ne va fi mai ușor să vă acordăm insigna sau să vă cerem să le completați.

Aktivitäten zu Fertigstellung

Schließe die folgenden Aktivitäten ab und erhalte Open Badge, um deinen Playlist- Fortschritt zu fördern
Youth worker basics
45 Minuten
Vollständige Aktivität ansehen


In this chapter, our attention will be directed toward the outlined key findings from the research on the needs of youth workers, organized into three sections:

  • Environment for youth work / involvement in local reality
  • Training for trainers - what is that in where to go
  • Methodology of youth work - basic sources

You will acquire:
  • Understanding of the local community and the placement of youth work within it.
  • Information on where to access training programs for youth workers aiming to become trainers in youth work.
  • Fundamental sources on youth work methodology.

V tem poglavju se bomo osredotočili na glavne ugotovitve raziskave o potrebah mladinskih delavcev, ki so razdeljene v tri dele:
  • Okolje mladinskega dela/povezanost z lokalno stvarnostjo,
  • Usposabljanje za trenerje v mladinskem delu - kaj je to in kje je treba opraviti,
  • Metodologija mladinskega dela - osnovni viri,

Pridobili boste:
  • Razumevanje lokalne skupnosti in umestitev mladinskega dela vanjo.
  • Informacije o tem, kje lahko dostopate do programov usposabljanja za mladinske delavce, ki želijo postati trenerji mladinskega dela.
  • Osnovni viri o metodologiji mladinskega dela.

U ovom poglavlju pozornost ćemo usmjeriti na ocrtaneključne nalaze istraživanja o potrebama osoba koje rade s mladima (youth workers) , organizirane u tri cjeline:
  • Okruženje za rad s mladima / uključenost u lokalnu stvarnost
  • Trening za trenere - što je to i od kuda krenuti
  • Metodologijarada s mladima - osnovni izvori

Steći ćete:
  • Razumijevanje lokalne zajednice i rada s mladima u njoj.
  • Informacije o tome gdje pristupiti programima obuke za osobe koje rade s mladima (youth workers) koji žele postati treneri u radu s mladima.
  • Temeljni izvori o metodologiji rada s mladima.


În acest capitol, atenția noastră va fi îndreptată către principalele rezultate ale cercetării privind nevoile lucrătorilor de tineret, organizate în trei secțiuni:
  • Mediul pentru munca de tineret / implicarea în realitatea locală
  • Formare pentru formatori - ce este aceasta în unde să mergem
  • Metodologia de lucru cu tinerii - surse de bază

Veți dobândi:
  • Înțelegerea comunității locale și plasarea muncii de tineret în cadrul acesteia.
  • Informații despre unde să accesați programe de formare pentru lucrătorii de tineret care doresc să devină formatori în lucrul cu tinerii.
  • Surse fundamentale privind metodologia muncii de tineret.


Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Planning activities for youth Erhalte diesen Badge

In this segment, you will investigate the specifics at the local level, identify key stakeholders in youth work, and learn methods for gathering the needs of young people. Moreover, you will have the capability to plan youth work activities based on your findings and organize youth worker training for your staff.

Du musst 1 Aufgabe beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Attempt to delineate your local context with the assistance of the following questions:

  • How many young people reside in your local community?
  • What is the size of your target group among them?
  • In what locations are they situated within your community—schools, playgrounds, or elsewhere?
  • Whom do they typically listen to, such as parents, teachers, or peers?
  • How do you attract them to participate in activities, and is there a more effective approach? What resources would be necessary for that?
  • Who are the primary funders of youth work in your community, and who holds decision-making authority on financing?
  • How have you engaged with them in the past, and is there room for improvement? What resources would be required?

  • Who are other significant stakeholders for your organization?
  • How have you previously engaged with them, and can it be done more effectively? What resources are needed?

Reference the listed good practices and identify two that could be adapted for your local context https://europegoeslocal.eu/good-practices-results/
  • What adjustments would be necessary for implementation?

Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Youth workers are introduced in the first chapter, yet for enhanced effectiveness, they transit into the role of youth trainers eventually.
Trainers are usually able to:
  • Understand and facilitate individual and group learning processes
  • Design educational programmes
  • Direct one's own learning (Learning to Learn)
  • Co-operate successfully in teams
  • Communicate meaningfully with others
  • Intercultural Competence
  • Being civically engaged

and decide:
  • Which two trainings you should attend and why?
  • Which two trainings would you recommend to your co-workers and why?

Aufgabe Nr. 3
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Since youth work is different in different countries, go to this link to understand the essentials: https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth-portfolio/youth-work-essentials.

and find 3 tools you can use with your work.

Describe which 3 you choose and why.


#arrange youth activities
#arrange youth programmes
#develop youth programmes
#advocate social relationships
#build cooperative relationship with social service users
#Adopts appropriate behaviour that respects ethical boundaries within a given group of learners
#Creatively using digital technology
#encourage sustainability
#Fostering democratic and active participation
#promote mental-health
#Building on resources and opportunities from partnerships to increase quality and impact of the project, both offline and online
Aktivitäten: 8
Begonnen: 52
Absolvierte Playlists: 3
Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 6 Stunden

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Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt support@badgecraft.eu.
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Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union