‘All things are created twice’, that is what Steven Covey, the author of the book ‘The 7 habits of effective people’ writes. He recommends beginning with the end in mind. For example, when you want to build a house, you need to know first how this house must look, otherwise you will experience in a later stage that you forgot important basics and your house can become unstable. So you first create in your mind and later on in reality, and that is what is meant by ‘all things are created twice’.
What do you want to achieve in your learning, for civic and career life? What do you want to achieve for other young people in their learning, for civic and career life? This activity will be about those two very important questions. We recommend to keep the vision about next year achievable, make sure it is something that only takes a year and not your entire life to achieve it. When you understand where you want to end up, it gives a lot of clarity in your personal life as well as in your career life. It will give you the purpose of why you are doing things.