Embassy of Compassion: Activity 4 - Spreading Compassion

Embassy of Compassion: Activity 4 - Spreading Compassion



Gratitude, which we cultivate through self-compassion and compassion towards everyone around us, calms our ego and is one of those virtues that connects us. It opens the doors to kindness. With the help of vulnerability, it soothes us. Gratitude places us in the moment, helping us not to take anything in life for granted. Gratitude adds value to everything around us.

Gratitude is a friend of compassion. By deepening our awareness and practising deep listening, we become attentive to the own well-being and well-being of everyone around us.

Make a daily gesture of gratitude. Reflect on the past week and choose two good things from each day that you are grateful for.

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

I am Spreading Compassion Behaal deze badge

The recipient of this badge understands gratitude as a friend of compassion and regularly practices it through knowledge of compassionate practices, specifically:
  • by deepening awareness
  • through deep listening
  • with self-compassion and
  • compassion towards others.

Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
When was the last time you expressed gratitude? Think and answer for yourself ... I am grateful for ...

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