"Intercultural communication refers to the communication between people from two different cultures"
(Chen & Starosta, 1998:28)
"Intercultural communication is a symbolic, interpretive, transactional, contextual process, in which people from different cultures create shared meanings"
(Lustig & Koester, 2007:46)
"Intercultural communication refers to the effects on communication behavior, when different cultures interact together. Hence, one way of viewing intercultural communication is as communication that unfolds in symbolic intercultural spaces"
(Arasaratnam, 2013:48)
These three quotes describe the meaning of intercultural communication. Which of these quotes describes the idea of intercultural communication best for you? Why?
Have you been in a position where you communicated with people from other countries, with our cultural backgrounds or in another language? How did it feel for you? Was it easy? Did you realise some things that you did not understand?
Choose one country where you would like to travel or use the Country-wheel to get a random country. Now, open the cross cultural checklist that you find in the added material below and try to answer the questions. There is no right or wrong!