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MY STEP FORWARD: Light the Match


MY STEP FORWARD: Light the Match



Can you "stop" time?
Do you take time for yourself?
If you had 1 minute to express yourself in anyway you want - would you do it? Do you need to do it?
How do you express yourself?

This activity is summarised by a activity "MATCH YOUR MOMENT" that was created by Devyn de Vos. A youngster from The Netherlands that took part in Youth Seminar in Lorca, organised by Cities and regions of Learning. The aim of the activity is to open yourself and share. You have the time that takes a match to burn, to do and express yourself in whatever way you want. You can also choose to do nothing. Reminding ourselves, to stop, to reflect, to think, to act, or not - if that is what we need.


Gather your group and stand in a circle. One by one. Light your match and use the time it burn to do whatever you like. If you do not have a match, use a timer on your phone and set it out to 1 minute approximately. When everybody had his/hers turn - discuss in group the following questions:
  • How do you feel?
  • How was for you to hold a lit match? What did you feel in that moment?
  • Do you think it was a good idea to light (or not light) up your match?
  • Did this activity make you think about changing something in your life?
  • For who decided to skip the match, would you like to do it now?

This is one out of 9 activities, created for the "Walk with challenges" workshop that took place during the "My step forward" training course, organised by Socialna akademija and its partners and co-funded by Erasmus+. The training course took part in Celje, Slovenija, between 7th and 14th of July 2022. Still, this activity is part of the learning playlist that can be used by anybody, anytime. So gather a group and take a walk ... with challenges... and ... make your FIRST STEP FORWARD!https://www.citiesoflearning.net/

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Light the Match Получить бейдж

Recipient of this badge participated in practical exercise "Light the Match" where he/she had approximately 1 minute to express him/herself in anyway needed and later discussed the experience.
Чтобы получить этот бейдж необходимо завершить все задачи
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
Participate in activity.
Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Reflect on your experience.
Личное развитие
Добавить в плейлист (1)
Время на выполнение: 20 минут


Socialna akademija

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Socialna akademija
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