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Trends and popular content



In this chapter we will focus on 3 popular topics in youth work:
  • Focus on civic issues: to improve the quality of youth workers' activities and practices involved in civic activities. For example: How to develop a mini-plan of civic activities to implement it at local level; How to apply a recipe for civic participation that you learn in training.
  • Greening activities in small communities – “let’s clean up our neighbors/community initiatives”.
  • Tools for delivering activities and trainings on mental health, mental integrity, first aid.

You will get information, how:
  • to plan civic activities to make small changes on local level.
  • to develop greening activities in small communities.
  • to address mental health issues among young people.

V tem poglavju se bomo osredotočili na tri priljubljene teme v mladinskem delu:
  • Osredotočenost na državljanske teme: izboljšanje kakovosti dejavnosti in praks mladinskih delavcev, ki so vključeni v državljanske dejavnosti. Na primer: Kako razviti mini načrt državljanskih dejavnosti in ga izvajati na lokalni ravni; Kako uporabiti recept za državljansko udeležbo, ki se ga naučite na usposabljanju.
  • Okoljevarstvene dejavnosti v majhnih skupnostih - „očistimo svoje sosede/ pobude skupnosti“.
  • Orodja za izvajanje dejavnosti in usposabljanj o duševnem zdravju, duševni integriteti, prvi pomoči.

Pridobili boste informacije, kako:
  • Kako načrtovati državljanske dejavnosti za uvajanje majhnih sprememb na lokalni ravni.
  • Kako razviti zelene in trajnostne aktivnosti v majhnih skupnostih.
  • Obravnavati vprašanja duševnega zdravja med mladimi.


U ovom poglavlju usredotočit ćemo se na tri popularne teme u radu s mladima:
  • Fokusiranje na građanske teme: poboljšanje kvalitete aktivnosti i praksi osoba koje rade s mladima uključenih u građanske aktivnosti. Na primjer: Kako razviti mini građanski akcijski plan i implementirati ga na lokalnoj razini; Kako primijeniti recept građanskog angažmana koji ste naučili na obuci.
  • Ekološke aktivnosti u malim zajednicama - 'očistimo naše susjedstvo/inicijativa zajednice'.
  • Alati za provođenje aktivnosti i treninga o mentalnom zdravlju, mentalnom integritetu, prvoj pomoći.

Dobit ćete informacije o tome kako:
  • Kako planirati građanske aktivnosti za male promjene na lokalnoj razini.
  • Kako razviti zelene i održive aktivnosti u malim sredinama.
  • Baviti se problemima mentalnog zdravlja među mladima.


În această secțiune, ne vom concentra asupra a trei teme populare în munca de tineret:
  • Concentrarea asupra problemelor cetățenești: îmbunătățirea calității activităților și practicilor lucrătorilor de tineret implicați în activități cetățenești. De exemplu: cum să dezvolți un mini-plan de acțiune civică și să îl pui în aplicare la nivel local; cum să folosești rețeta pentru participare civică pe care o înveți în cadrul formării.
  • Activități de mediu în comunitățile mici - „curăță-ți vecinii/inițiative comunitare”.
  • Instrumente pentru a implementa activități și traininguri privind sănătatea mintală, integritatea mintală, primul ajutor.

Veți primi informații despre cum să:
  • Cum să planificați activități civice pentru a produce mici schimbări la nivel local.
  • Cum să dezvoltați activități ecologice și durabile în comunitățile mici.
  • Cum să abordați problemele de sănătate mintală în rândul tinerilor.


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Trends and popular content Get this badge

In this chapter we will focus on 3 popular topics in youth work:
  • Focus on civic issues: to improve the quality of youth workers' activities and practices involved in civic activities. For example: How to develop a mini-plan of civic activities to implement it at local level; How to apply a recipe for civic participation that you learn in training.
  • Greening activities in small communities – “let’s clean up our neighbors/community initiatives”.
  • Tools for delivering activities and trainings on mental health, mental integrity, first aid.

You will get information, how:
  • to plan civic activities to make small changes on local level.
  • to develop greening activities in small communities.
  • to address mental health issues among young people.

You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Placemaking is a concept that allows you to bring changes into local community, based on concrete places into community.
Read about placemaking: https://www.pps.org/article/what-is-placemaking
and then

  • shortly describe one placemaking event, which could be delivered in your local community.
  • explain what holds you back not to realize it and where are solutions to that.

Bonus activity: For additional and deeper understanding of youth participation read: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/t-kit-15

Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Many young people are very worried about environmental issues:
Chapter 4 in T-kit on sustainability in youth work offers 18 activities to address that issue: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/en/web/youth-partnership/t-kit-13-sustainability-and-youth-work

  • Pick one and describe, how it can be implemented in your organization and why did you choose it.

Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Optimistic thinking, the ability to trust family and friends, and daily physical activity are all protective factors of mental well-being. We can do a lot for our mental health ourselves by using simple strategies to manage our stress levels daily. In stressful situations, it is good to pay attention to and express them without hesitation since the suppression of emotions only deepens mental distress.

  • Go to the YOU HEAL: https://you-heal.eu/ and find 3 useful tips / tools for your work with youth.
  • Explain how they can be integrated into your work.


#encourage sustainability
#Fostering democratic and active participation
#promote mental-health
Career and job readiness
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Time to complete: 45 minutes


Zavod Nefiks

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You(th)App training for youth workers
Zavod Nefiks
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union