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You(th)App training for youth workers


You(th)App training for youth workers



This online module of the You(th)App training for youth workers will cover 8 topics that were found most important in our reasearch of the state of the art of youth work in Slovenia, Croatia and Romania.

The online module is open to youth workers from all over Europe and we hope it will be usefull for you.

Each of the 8 topics has a description, some usefull resources and several tasks that participants need to complete in order to receive a learning badge. The online module is fully self-paced so you can organise your own learning process according to your needs.

Spletni modul usposabljanja You(th)App za mladinske delavce zajema 8 tem, ki so se v naši raziskavi stanja na področju mladinskega dela v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem in v Romuniji izkazale za najpomembnejše.
Spletni modul je namenjen mladinskim delavcem iz vse Evrope in upamo, da vam bo koristil.
Vsaka od osmih tem ima opis, nekaj uporabnih virov in več nalog, ki jih morajo udeleženci opraviti, da prejmejo učno značko. Vljudno vas prosimo, da vaše odgovore zapišete v angleškem jeziku, saj bomo tako lažje odobrili učno značko ali vas pozvali k dopolnitvi.
Ovaj online modul You(th)App treninga za osobe koje rade s mladima pokriti će 8 tema koje smo našlinajvažnijima temeljem našeg istraživanja provedenog o stanju rada s mladima (Youth work) u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i Rumunjskoj.
Online modul je otvoren za sve osobe koje rade s maldima iz cijele Europe i nadamo se da će vam biti od koristi.
Svaka od 8 tema sadržiopis, pojedine korisne resurse i nekolicinu zadataka koje sudionici trebaju ispuniti kako bi dobili bedž za učenje.
Online modul je u potpunosti otvoren za prilagodbui vlastitom tempu , stoga možete organizirati vlastiti proces učenja prema vlastitim potrebama.
Molimo vas da svoje odgovore zapišete na engleskom jeziku jer ćemo vam tako lakše dodijeliti bedž ili zamolili nadopunu.
Modulul de formare online You(th)App dedicat lucrătorilor de tineret acoperă 8 subiecte care au fost identificate ca fiind cele mai importante în cercetarea noastră privind starea activității de tineret în Slovenia, Croația și România.
Modulul online este destinat lucrătorilor de tineret din întreaga Europă și sperăm că îl veți găsi util.
Fiecare dintre cele opt subiecte are o descriere, câteva resurse utile și o serie de sarcini de îndeplinit pentru a primi o insignă de învățare. Vă rugăm să vă scrieți răspunsurile în limba engleză, deoarece astfel ne va fi mai ușor să vă acordăm insigna sau să vă cerem să le completați.

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Youth worker basics
45 минут
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The dissemination of results in youth work refers to the process of sharing and spreading information, findings, or outcomes obtained from youth-related projects, programs, or initiatives. It involves communicating the results to relevant stakeholders, such as young people, community members, policymakers, or other organizations, with the aim of increasing awareness, understanding, and impact. Dissemination may take various forms, including reports, presentations, workshops, publications, or digital media, to ensure that the knowledge and insights gained through youth work are effectively shared and utilized.

Content will address one of the needs of youth workers in our You(th)App project research:
  • map of opportunities for youth workers,
  • disseminate opportunities for courses, events, projects.
  • OPORTUNITY tool - activities across the country.

Participants will be able to find internationally collected know how from youth work.


Razširjanje rezultatov pri mladinskem delu se nanaša na proces izmenjave in širjenja informacij, ugotovitev ali rezultatov, pridobljenih iz projektov, programov ali pobud, povezanih z mladimi. Vključuje sporočanje rezultatov ustreznim zainteresiranim stranem, kot so mladi, člani skupnosti, oblikovalci politik ali druge organizacije, z namenom povečati ozaveščenost, razumevanje in vpliv. Razširjanje ima lahko različne oblike, vključno s poročili, predstavitvami, delavnicami, publikacijami ali digitalnimi mediji, da se zagotovi učinkovita izmenjava in uporaba znanja in spoznanj, pridobljenih z mladinskim delom.
Vsebina bo obravnavala eno od potreb mladinskih delavcev v naši raziskavi projekta You(th)App:
  • Zemljevid priložnosti za mladinske delavce,
  • Razširjanje priložnosti za tečaje, dogodke in projekte.
  • Orodje OPORTUNITY - dejavnosti po vsej državi.

Udeleženci bodo lahko našli mednarodno zbrano znanje in izkušnje s področja mladinskega dela.

Širenje rezultata u radu s mladima odnosi se na proces dijeljenja i širenja informacija, nalaza ili ishoda dobivenih iz projekata, programa ili inicijativa povezanih s mladima.
Uključuje priopćavanje rezultata relevantnim dionicima, kao što su mladi ljudi, članovi zajednice, kreatori politika ili druge organizacije, s ciljem povećanja svijesti, razumijevanja i utjecaja. Širenje može imati različite oblike, uključujući izvješća, prezentacije, radionice, publikacije ili digitalne medije, osiguravajući da se znanje i uvidi stečeni kroz rad s mladima učinkovito dijele i koriste.
Sadržaj će se baviti jednom od potreba osoba koje rade s mladima u našem istraživanju projekta You(th)App:
  • karta mogućnosti za osobe koje rade s mladima,
  • širiti mogućnosti za tečajeve, događaje, projekte.
  • OPORTUNITY alat - aktivnosti diljem zemlje.

Sudionici će moći pronaći međunarodno prikupljena znanja iz rada s mladima.

Diseminarea rezultatelor în activitatea de tineret se referă la procesul de partajare și diseminare a informațiilor, constatărilor sau rezultatelor obținute în cadrul proiectelor, programelor sau inițiativelor legate de tineret. Aceasta implică comunicarea rezultatelor către părțile interesate relevante, cum ar fi tinerii, membrii comunității, factorii de decizie politică sau alte organizații, în scopul de a crește gradul de conștientizare, înțelegere și impact. Diseminarea poate lua diferite forme, inclusiv rapoarte, prezentări, ateliere de lucru, publicații sau media digitale, pentru a se asigura că, cunoștințele și perspectivele dobândite prin activitatea de tineret sunt împărtășite și utilizate în mod eficient.
Conținutul va aborda una dintre nevoile lucrătorilor din domeniul tineretului din cercetarea noastră You(th)App:
  • Cartografierea oportunităților pentru lucrătorii de tineret,
  • Diseminarea oportunităților pentru cursuri, evenimente și proiecte.
  • Instrumentul OPORTUNITATE - activități în întreaga țară.

Participanții vor putea găsi cunoștințele și experiența acumulate la nivel internațional în domeniul muncii de tineret.


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Dissemination Get this badge

The dissemination of results in youth work refers to the process of sharing and spreading information, findings, or outcomes obtained from youth-related projects, programs, or initiatives. It involves communicating the results to relevant stakeholders, such as young people, community members, policymakers, or other organizations, with the aim of increasing awareness, understanding, and impact. Dissemination may take various forms, including reports, presentations, workshops, publications, or digital media, to ensure that the knowledge and insights gained through youth work are effectively shared and utilized.

badge holders are able to find internationally collected youth work know how.
Для получения бейджа необходимо завершить 1 задание
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Five reputable websites that often offer valuable knowledge and resources related to youth work in the European Union are:
  • European Youth Portal: The official portal of the European Union on youth-related issues, providing information on opportunities, policies, and initiatives.
  • SALTO-YOUTH: is a network supporting youth workers and organizations through training and resources. It focuses on various topics related to youth work.
  • Youthpolicy.org: An independent platform that provides comprehensive information on youth policies globally, including those in the European Union.
  • European Youth Forum (YFJ): The YFJ is the platform of youth organizations in Europe, advocating for the rights and interests of young people.
  • Erasmus+ Youth: Part of the broader Erasmus+ program, this section focuses on opportunities for young people, including youth work-related initiatives.

  • Which portal is most useful for your work and why?
  • Do you have any trustable web pages on your national level?
  • Which information are you still missing?

Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Youth organizations can disseminate their good practices and publish their results through various channels, both online and offline. Here are some effective ways to share and promote their successes:
  • Websites and Blogs: Create a dedicated section on the organization's website or blog to share success stories, project outcomes, and best practices. Regularly update it to keep the information current.
  • Social Media Platforms: Utilize social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share achievements, project updates, and success stories. Use engaging visuals and relevant hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Online Platforms and Networks: Submit project information and outcomes to relevant online platforms and networks specializing in youth work and community development. Examples include European Youth Portal, SALTO-YOUTH, and national/regional youth networks.
  • Publications and Reports: Prepare and publish reports, white papers, or articles detailing the methodology, challenges, and outcomes of projects. Distribute these publications to stakeholders, policymakers, and the wider community.
  • Conferences and Events: Present findings and success stories at conferences, seminars, or workshops related to youth work. Networking at such events can also help connect with potential partners and collaborators.
  • Collaborate with Media Outlets: Reach out to local media outlets, both traditional and online, to cover and share the organization's achievements. Press releases or feature articles can help raise awareness in the broader community.
  • Partnership Newsletters: Collaborate with partners to include project updates and success stories in their newsletters. This expands the reach of your audience and fosters a sense of community.
  • Online Platforms for Youth Work Good Practices: Explore and contribute to online platforms specifically designed for sharing youth work good practices. This might include databases, directories, or repositories dedicated to showcasing successful initiatives.
  • Networking Events: Attend networking events within the youth work community to share experiences, learn from others, and potentially find new opportunities for collaboration.
  • Mentoring and Capacity Building Programs: Offer mentoring or capacity building programs where the organization shares its successful practices with other youth organizations, fostering a culture of knowledge exchange.
Remember to adapt your dissemination strategy based on the target audience and the nature of the project. Combining multiple channels will increase the visibility and impact of your good practices.

  • Which 3 activities are most suitable for your work?
  • Do you have additional idea how to disseminate your good practise?


#arrange youth activities
#arrange youth programmes
#develop youth programmes
#advocate social relationships
#build cooperative relationship with social service users
#Adopts appropriate behaviour that respects ethical boundaries within a given group of learners
#Creatively using digital technology
#encourage sustainability
#Fostering democratic and active participation
#promote mental-health
#Building on resources and opportunities from partnerships to increase quality and impact of the project, both offline and online
Мероприятия: 8
Начато: 47
Завершенный плейлист: 3
Время на выполнение: 6 часов


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