





This learning playlist also called the "Walk with challenges" was created for the training activity "My step forward", organised by Socialna akademija and its partners and co-funded by Erasmus+.

Still, this learning playlist that can be used by anybody, anytime. You just need to gather a (small) group and take a walk ... with challenges... and ... make your FIRST STEP FORWARD!

The training course took part in Celje, Slovenija, between 7th and 14th of July 2022. The project was organised to support youth workers and educators to find answers to the following questions:
  • How to support young people so that they can live life to the fullest?
  • How can we support them on their path of discovery of personal mission and satisfaction?

Main topics of the training course were:
  • Positioning personal mission on a career guidance map,
  • factors of growing up in World 4.0,
  • the dynamics of mission, vision, and decision making,
  • diverse methods to support youth on their path,
  • keeping inner motivation in long-term processes,
  • I as a mentor and companion of youth
  • digital world and mentoring process.

Participants of the training course were youth workers and educators (between 20 and 45 years of age) who work in a non-formal setting with youth on regular basis.

The trainers of the course were Sabina Belc from Socialna akademija and Urška Česnik from TiPovej! Institute.

Suoritettavat aktiviteetit

Suorita seuraavat toimet, ansaitse merkkejä ja näet soittolistan edistymisen päivitettynä
MY STEP FORWARD: Accepting Rejection
25 minuuttia
Näytä koko aktiviteetti


Intervention Theatre is a fun and powerful way to discuss and improve team interaction. But exposing ourselves publicly is not really easy. Do you ever ask yourself:
  • Do I dare dance in public?
  • Do I dare speak in public?
  • Do I dare make a fool of yourself? What will people think?

The later is very scary, but can also be very freeing. When you make yourself vulnerable, people not only see a more human side of you, but they wind up seeing themselves in your content too.


Find a public space, make sure it is safe (do not use the road for example). Think with your group, what type of action can you do, that would be outside your comfort zone. Will you do a simple dance? A flash mob maybe? Will you sing like no one is watching. Maybe you know some circus tricks. Try it out. Make sure people see you! Be vulnerable and daring.

Use James Corden's "Crosswalk the musical" video as inspiration.

This is one out of 9 activities, created for the "Walk with challenges" workshop that took place during the "My step forward" training course, organised by Socialna akademija and its partners and co-funded by Erasmus+. The training course took part in Celje, Slovenija, between 7th and 14th of July 2022. Still, this activity is part of the learning playlist that can be used by anybody, anytime. So gather a group and take a walk ... with challenges... and ... make your FIRST STEP FORWARD!

Hanki aktiviteetti-merkki

Theater intervention Hanki tämä merkki

Recipient of this badge participated in practical exercise in "Theater Intervention" where he/she followed the instructions below and reflected on the experience.

Find a public space, make sure it is safe (do not use the road for example). Think with your group, what type of action can you do, that would be outside your comfort zone. Will you do a simple dance? A flash mob maybe? Will you sing like no one is watching. Maybe you know some circus tricks. Try it out. Make sure people see you! Be vulnerable and daring.
Tehtävä nro.1
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
Participate in activity and prove it:
  • Share a photo/video or
  • Describe what you did.
Aktiviteetit: 9
Alkoi: 24
Soittolista suoritettu: 0
Suoritusaika: 2 tuntia 25 minuuttia


Socialna akademija
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